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Delfin Beobachtungs Tour

15 % Rabatt – Sonderangebot mit dem Promo-Code blue15. Buchen Sie jetzt!


Wenn Sie den Kontakt mit wilden Tieren in ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum genießen wollen, dann ist die Delfin-Beobachtungs-Tour ein Muss für Sie.

Von der Marina de Lagos aus fahren wir mit einem schnellen Schlauchboot (Rib) aufs offene Meer. Unsere Skipper und spezialisierten Guides gehen aufgrund ihrer Erfahrung in die Gebiete, in denen die Sichtung von Delfinen am wahrscheinlichsten ist.

Diese Fahrt birgt immer Überraschungen, denn man weiß nie, was man finden wird!
Die am häufigsten gesehene Art ist der Gewöhnliche Delfin. Die Sichtung von Tümmlern, Minky-Walen, Meeresschildkröten und anderen Tieren kommt jedoch auch recht häufig vor.

Die Erfolgsquote bei der Delfinsichtung liegt bei etwa 97 %.








20 - 60 KM / 10,8 - 32,4 SEEMEILEN

ICNF Lizenz: AOC/10/2020




Im Falle von kühlen Temperaturen oder starkem Wind (meist in der Winterzeit) verfügen wir über Windjacken an Bord.

Idiomas falados:

  • Englisch
  • Portugiesisch
  • Spanisch


Nicht empfohlen für Teilnehmer mit Rückenproblemen. Für Schwangere nicht empfohlen. Das Mindestalter beträgt 5 Jahre. Bluefleet haftet nicht für verlorene oder beschädigte persönliche Gegenstände an Bord.


Der Check-in muss bis zu 15 Minuten vor Abfahrt in unserem BlueFleet-Büro im Bahnhof von Lagos erfolgen.

  • Adresse:
    Estrada de São Roque, 8600-318 Lagos
  • GPS Koordinaten:
    Lat.,Lon.: 37.108628, -8.671794


Wir erstatten Kundenstornierungen bei weniger als 24 Stunden vor Abfahrt nicht. Bei Stornierungen von Kunden mit mehr als 24 Stunden vor Abfahrt erstatten wir den Betrag in voller Höhe.

Diese Aktivität kann durch das Wetter und die Bedingungen des Meeres bedingt sein. BlueFleet kann bei schlechtem Wetter oder ungünstigen Meeresbedingungen die Reise stornieren, indem der gezahlte Betrag vollständig zurückerstattet oder die Reise auf einen anderen Zeitpunkt umgebucht wird.


"Just got back from the dolphin watching tour and very happy. Lots of options around Lagos marina (generally supported by poor websites) and all much of a muchness in price - but went with Bluefleet as they looked the most professional, and they didn’t disappoint. The dolphins were 28km offshore, which didn’t take too long on the rhib - the crew checked our preference of shorter time with the dolphins or returning on time - we all agreed to stay out a bit longer as it was so fabulous to have the dolphins playing with and around the boat...worth noting though even though it’s warm ashore, it’s worth taking out a warmer top or jacket as the cold gets to you in the end... all up, great crew, great boat, and the kids loved the ride as well as the dolphins - well worth the price!"

- AverageAussieGuy

"The dolphin-watching trip was such a wonderful experience with Bluefleet!! We encountered some issues with weather but they were more than happy to move our booking for us. The guides were very knowledgeable and considerate to the dolphins; we spent around 40 minutes with one pod which was such an amazing thing to see!! We were then also given a discount for the other tours they offered, and some of our group went on the grotto tour trip which is also a must-see!!"

- emilycvg

"We did both the dolphin watch and the half day with lunch after first doing the grotto with Bomdia. The Blue Fleet was just awesome. The staff of both were knowledgeable and fun. On the dolphin trip we searched for an hour and the captain asked if we minded being late back and then finally found a school of about 40 dolphins we followed for almost 45 minutes. Amazing experience. The half day with lunch was similarly wonderful. Excellent food not the boat--they just kept feeding us fresh fruit, chips, amazing fresh salad and grilled chicken and traditional pastry. Unlimited alcohol. Very knowledgeable staff. They heard it was someone's birthday and brought out champagne and said they would have had cake with advance notice. Their grotto tour was much much better Bomdia. Highly recommend."

- Seetheworld253

"Wir haben mehrere große Gruppen von Delfinen gesehen und hatten die Möglichkeit, die Delfine wirklich "hautnah" zu erleben. Überall um unser Boot waren Delfine, die sprangen, schwammen und gut zu beobachten waren. Wir hatten eine sehr freundliche und ortskundige Crew, die es sogar ermöglicht hat die Tour etwas zu verlängern, als wir einen Wal (Minkwal) gesehen hatten. Alles in allem absolut empfehlenswert."

- Ftampe

"Uma experiência a repetir. O staff foi muito atencioso e divertido e foi uma oportunidade muito boa de observar belos animais selvagens no seu habitat natural. Majestoso para quem gosta da vida aquática. Além disso cumprem com todas as normas de segurança necessárias."

- ClaudFb

"Ótima viagem! Começamos na Marina de Lagos. Depois de atravessar o rio, saímos para o mar aberto. Nossos guias direcionaram o barco para os lugares onde os golfinhos costumam ser e logo os vimos. Foi uma ótima experiência. Aprendemos detalhes interessantes sobre esses animais fascinantes. O destaque absoluto foi que, no caminho de volta, vimos um grupo de golfinhos, entre os quais vários animais jovens e bebês. Apesar dos tempos avançados, os guias não voltaram correndo, mas nos deram tempo de sobra para observar os animais. Ver bebês golfinhos em seu habitat natural foi uma grande experiência! Podemos absolutamente recomendar o passeio com Blue Fleet!"

- lil_ran

"Eu fiz as viagens de observação dos golfinhos e visita às grutas até à Ponta da Piedade e não poderia ficar mais satisfeita com o serviço. O staff foi sempre espetacular, desde o acompanhamento aos skippers que explicaram a espécie e o comportamento dos golfinhos (vimos muitos, foi lindo!) e na segunda viagem o capitão foi super divertido e incansável na explicação das formações rochosas e grutas. Em suma, as experiências foram incríveis, a equipa é experiente e competente, aconselho vivamente."

- LiNogui