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15% de descuento – Oferta especial use el código de promoción blue15. ¡Reserve ahora!


Ofrecemos diferentes tipos de aventuras, como el tradicional paseo en barco hasta las grutas y formaciones rocosas de Ponta da Piedade, observación de delfines y otros cetáceos, paseos en kayak, paseos por las grutas de la costa, y nuestro famoso Blue Cruise.


Bluefleet staff


BlueFleet es una empresa portuguesa con 20 años de experiencia en el sector del turismo náutico en Lagos, El Algarve, Portugal. Estamos especializados en paseos en barco, y ofrecemos seis aventuras diferentes que incluyen visitas a las grutas de Ponta da Piedade y al Algar de Benagil, además de la observación de delfines. Contamos con una flota de 12 embarcaciones y el trabajo de dieciocho profesionales. De esta manera, hemos podido diseñar aventuras inolvidables para los casi 30 000 clientes procedentes de todo el mundo que recibimos cada año.


En BlueFleet trabajamos con grupos de pequeño tamaño para brindarles una atención más personalizada que puedan recordar siempre. Todas nuestras embarcaciones proporcionan la máxima comodidad y seguridad a los pasajeros, y respetan todas las normas legales y sanitarias en vigor. BlueFleet cuenta con todas las licencias, seguros y autorizaciones para llevar a cabo las aventuras que ofrece.


"Erg leuke trip met twee uitstekende begeleiders. Schipper was deskundig en begeleidende dame professioneel en leuk. Na de grotten zijn we voor anker gegaan voor een zwem/ snorkel moment. Op de boot was schaduw en voldoende ruimte om zonder mondkapje te vertoeven. Ook een zonneterrasje met zitzakken. Zeker de moeite waard. In de ochtend online gereserveerd voor dezelfde middag. Was goed geregeld."

- erikt933

"Had a great experience with bluefleet relaxing for an afternoon with their excellent staff. Samuel and Louis made everyone on our cruise have a great experience relaxing and enjoying the beautiful scenery around ponta da piedade."

- Herbert L

"We booked thr trip via blue fleet, and the whole experience was wonderful. We were part of a little group (only four of us!) and explored extra smaller caves. I was a little apprehensive not having much kayaking expereince, but the guys were great and made you feel really comfortable. The were able to give us the history behind the beaches, rock formations etc, which was really interesting. They explain not to take phones etc with you, as they take loads of great photos and email them at the end which was great! Would recommend to everyone!"

- daniellaarfi

"I loved every second of it; at times it was a bit scary because of the waves, but wonderful in the same time. We had enough time to take photos of the caves and we had fun in the same time. I would go again."

- ReginaNoctis

"Eu fiz as viagens de observação dos golfinhos e visita às grutas até à Ponta da Piedade e não poderia ficar mais satisfeita com o serviço. O staff foi sempre espetacular, desde o acompanhamento aos skippers que explicaram a espécie e o comportamento dos golfinhos (vimos muitos, foi lindo!) e na segunda viagem o capitão foi super divertido e incansável na explicação das formações rochosas e grutas. Em suma, as experiências foram incríveis, a equipa é experiente e competente, aconselho vivamente."

- LiNogui

"We took the 1hr 15 minute tour to the Ponta da Piedade. It was simply fantastic. Antonio our guide was terrific in every way. He was informative as well as being great at handling the boat in rough conditions. In addition he went out of his way for our daughter whose birthday it was, allowing her to get a photo at the wheel. The tour was a great way of seeing the coast line and the amazing rock formations. I can't recommend the tour and blue fleet highly enough."

- alan_ni